Jonathan R. Epstein, AIF®
Founder and President
Jonathan R. Epstein, AIF®
DCALTA is led by Jonathan Epstein, who has served in the defined contribution community for 24 years. DCALTA`s founding can be attributed to Jonathan`s experience working directly with plan sponsors of defined contribution plans on investments, education/communication strategy and plan cost/performance benchmarking. His industry experience includes positions at CEM Benchmarking, Associated Trust, ICMA-RC and ThirtyNorth Investments. He has been invited to speak at the national conferences of PSCA and NAGDCA, and has contributed to several industry articles and research. He received his B.S. from Florida State University and MBA from Nova Southeastern University. He is very proud to be on the top fundraising team for a non-profit in New Orleans that raises money for the families of children with pediatric brain cancer (Team Fleur de Que).